For decades the Canadian consumer has been asked their preference between the two most globally popular carbonated soft drinks, Coke and Pepsi. Friendships have been forged and destroyed by this taste war*, and it continues to rage across multiple banners in Ontario. As a grocery store, or other CPG retailer who carries these products, you may be thinking, “Does this really mean anything to me? Surely in a pinch my customer will simply pick one, because all Colas really are the same.” You would be incorrect Mister Executive. Your customer cares a lot about their brand in this category, indicating this is more than a simple preference.
In fact, out of 103 CPG categories, CSD’s rank number 1 for planned purchases being aimed at a particular brand. Right along those same lines, 61% of CSD customers say they would rather walk away with NOTHING than switch brands in the aisle. So, do we have your attention yet Mister Executive? Good! We thought so. Now let’s dive into the details.
What does this mean for all those retailers and banners carrying CSDs? Well, it means they need to keep a good stock of BOTH major brands and appease both preferences of customers. “But how do I stand out when there are a thousand other retailers selling these products just like me?” A wonderful question Mister Executive, we’re glad you asked. Out of 103 categories and 10 banners across Ontario, CSDs rank number 2 as a price beacon category. That means people are going to come to you specifically if they think they can grab their Coke or Pepsi for just a little bit cheaper than the competition. And get this, 24% of the planned CSD purchases, were made on a promotion the customer found out about through a flyer! So yes, that’s right, you need to put a big shiny picture of your CSDs right on the front cover of that mailer being sent to thousands of homes every week.
So as you can see, we really want to make the most of your potential when it comes to giving your customers what they want. Happy customers spend money, and money spending is good right? Of course it is! It’s time to give your customers the memorable shopping experience they want. We can help with that.
Sounds like money in the bank right? We thought so. But why take our word for it when you can see the real life data for yourself when you contact us below. Together, we’ll help you find out more information like this about any of the 130+ categories we survey in North America.
*We have no real data about anyone’s friendship status as a result of CSD disputes…
By Tyler Erickson
Digital Marketing Manager, Shopper Intelligence North America